Sunday, January 23, 2011

Visual texts

1/18, Tuesday, the first class, my team read an article “The Ant and the Grasshopper".  It showed the difference between frivolous play and diligent work.  An ant works hard during the summer to prepare for the winter.  Grasshoppers just play.  We read and decided to give one snapshot to show the hard working ant stored the food, and had big smile when winter came.  The grasshopper just laid on the floor and died.

This learning standard is content standard 2: use visual texts to develop ideas, telling a story or/and an experience.  I felt excited about this content standard which I did not apply before.  I have been using the content standard 1: students identify the text (reading, writing, graphic, drawing, etc) and responded in a comprehensive writing.

To give individual student’s attention and fulfill assorted students’ needs in the same class, have been challenges. As a Chinese language teacher to teach American students, I strive to plan lessons for my stutdents with various content standards.  It attracts them to continue learning deeper and broader. 


  1. I'm glad you had fun with this, and were able to connect this activity to a content standard.

    Did you get a chance to visit one of the recommended blogs? Please post your thoughts on the blog that you visited.

  2. I was visiting Teacher Teaching Teachers I really liked the ideas "set the table for inquiry" and got people to share ideas. I am thinking to use the similar method to inquire Chinese language teachers,students to post and share questions and answers.
    I would like to keep following up this blogger
